- NDB pracuje obecnie nad rozszerzeniem wykorzystania lokalnych walut w celu „dedolaryzacji”
- Bitcoin może być kolejną dużą walutą rezerwową
Jako doświadczony analityk z ponad dwudziestoletnim doświadczeniem w globalnych finansach i ekonomii byłem świadkiem przypływów i odpływów walut i systemów finansowych na całym świecie. Niedawne oświadczenie Nowego Banku Rozwoju (NDB) dotyczące rozszerzenia wykorzystania lokalnych walut jest rzeczywiście znaczącym krokiem w kierunku dedolaryzacji i fascynujące jest obserwowanie, jak ruch ten nabiera tempa wśród krajów BRICS.
Niedawno 120 krajów z całego świata wzięło udział w Międzynarodowym Forum Miejskim krajów BRICS. W następstwie tego wydarzenia odbyło się dziewiąte doroczne spotkanie Nowego Banku Rozwoju. Dzisiejsze nagłówki gazet szeroko omawiają to wydarzenie po tym, jak prezes NDB Dilma Rousseff stwierdziła, że bank czyni postępy w celu zwiększenia wykorzystania lokalnych walut, co można interpretować jako próbę zmniejszenia zależności od dolara amerykańskiego – proces często określany jako de -dolaryzacja.
Stąd pytanie – Co to oznacza dla Bitcoina?
Według Rousseffa
Główne działania Narodowego Banku Polskiego będą skupiać się na walutach lokalnych.
Ruch międzynarodowy?
The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years. In fact, during the 15th Annual Summit of the BRIC countries last year, there was much support for a singular „BRICS currency” At the time, Brazil’s President Lula Da Silva said, The BRIC has been the currency of this de-dollarization movement over the past few years.
„Zwiększa nasze możliwości płatności i zmniejsza nasze podatności na zagrożenia.”
Należy zauważyć, że większość świata nie odeszła jeszcze od używania dolara amerykańskiego. Jak wskazuje Dollar Dominance Monitor prowadzony przez Radę Atlantycką, dolar amerykański stanowi około 58% wszystkich światowych rezerw walutowych, a także kontroluje około 88% wszystkich międzynarodowych transakcji walutowych.
Z mojej perspektywy jako badacza jasne jest, że dedolaryzacji nie należy się spodziewać w najbliższej przyszłości ani nawet w połowie okresu. Należy jednak podkreślić, że z biegiem czasu Chiny poczyniły znaczące postępy w kierunku dedolaryzacji własnej gospodarki.

Zamiast tego jest całkiem możliwe, że tendencja ta będzie się utrzymywać przez dłuższy okres. Jest to szczególnie prawdziwe, biorąc pod uwagę, że udział dolara amerykańskiego we wszystkich światowych rezerwach walutowych znacząco spadł w ciągu zaledwie ostatnich ośmiu lat, z 65,3% do 58,8%. Co więcej, wiele krajów, szczególnie tych powiązanych z BRICS, pozyskuje złoto pomimo wzrostu cen.

Reputacja złota jako bezpiecznej przystani i środka przechowywania wartości znacznie wzrosła od 2019 r., szczególnie w związku z wybuchem epidemii Covid-19. Ten wzrost zainteresowania objął także inne aktywa o podobnych cechach, takie jak złoto. Ostatnio Bitcoin i kryptowaluty wyłoniły się jako kolejna klasa aktywów o takich właściwościach.
Bitcoin na ratunek?
Na przykład kraje takie jak Rosja i Iran zaczęły wykorzystywać Bitcoin i wydobywanie Bitcoinów jako metodę zmniejszania wpływu międzynarodowych sankcji, z którymi się borykają. Warto zauważyć, że Rosja obecnie eksperymentuje z platformami handlu kryptowalutami, aby określić, w jaki sposób można ułatwić transakcje cyfrowe ponad granicami.
Podobnie jak poszczególne podmioty, BRICS wykazał zainteresowanie wprowadzeniem cyfrowej waluty opartej na złocie, co wynikało z wcześniejszych rozmów na temat ustanowienia „waluty BRICS”.
Poza tymi pasjami wiele narodów wyraża żywe zainteresowanie naśladowaniem Salwadoru poprzez gromadzenie Bitcoina jako krajowego aktywa rezerwowego. W 2021 r. prezydent Bukele zaproponował to posunięcie, aby oddzielić gospodarkę od dolara amerykańskiego, pomimo krytyki tej decyzji ze strony takich instytucji jak Bank Światowy i MFW.
Rok 2024 przedstawia nowy krajobraz, w którym wybitne podmioty, takie jak MicroStrategy i Metaplanet, wyruszają w kryptowaluty. Co więcej, fundusze Bitcoin i Ethereum Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) wzbudziły duże zainteresowanie na Wall Street, wskazując na rosnące zainteresowanie instytucjonalne tą klasą aktywów.
Łącznie postępy te sygnalizują potencjalny wzrost zainteresowania kryptowalutami w najbliższej przyszłości. Jeśli krajom BRICS uda się odłączyć od dolara amerykańskiego i przekierować jedynie niewielką część obecnej płynności w USD na kryptowaluty, krajobraz rynkowy może ulec radykalnej zmianie.
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2024-09-03 21:08